Virtual Healthcare Town Hall: Our Lives On The Line

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Health Care Voter launched Our Lives On The Line: A Digital Town Hall Series to elevate the stories and experiences of Americans affected by the spread of the coronavirus, and how in the face of this epidemic we’re still fighting for the Affordable Care Act and against the skyrocketing costs of prescription drug prices.

Heartland Alliance’s Chief Integrated Health Officer, Evan Lyon, and Coalition Manager, Logan Charlesworth, took part in this live Town Hall with leaders like Representative Jan Schakowsky, State Sentaor Andy Manar, Illinois Attonery Genral Kwame Raoul, and other heatlhcare advocates from across the state.

Watch the town hall today.

The threat of the coronavirus underscores the need for everyone to have access to affordable health care and prescription drugs. Now more than ever, the lives of frontliners, health care workers, and people with pre-existing conditions are on the line.