Health & Healing Initiatives

Health and healing for ALL is a key part of ending poverty and inequity. Our Health & Healing Initiatives are broad and inclusive because we know that we can’t do this work on our own. Through these initiatives, we are collaborating with partners in Chicago, the State of Illinois, and across the country to discover, nurture, and share innovative policy and systems change solutions that advance health and healing for ALL.


HC3 was formed as a grassroots effort in response to the challenges many Cook County communities face in accessing affordable health care. Residents across Cook County have struggled for many years with poor access to healthcare and the financial insecurity that goes hand in hand with lacking health insurance.

While the Affordable Care Act has recently extended affordable coverage to many, many more still remain uninsured due to cost, lack of information, or immigration status. HC3, with the support of Heartland Alliance, helped the Cook County Health and Hospital System design and implement a new care coordination program for those who lack health coverage through the existing CareLink charity care program, but much more work remains to ensure all people can get the quality health care they need.
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Protect Our Care Illinois is a statewide coalition of health care advocates, providers, activists, and citizens working to prevent the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and any disastrous changes to Medicaid. The coverage gains made under the ACA and Medicaid expansion are crucial to addressing inequity in health care and we seek to expand upon this progress.

Through our work, we have directly advocated with public officials, organized community education forums, and helped lift up the stories of those who benefit from Medicaid and the ACA. We have been heartened that efforts in Congress to repeal the ACA have thus far been unsuccessful, but we know the campaign to undermine the ACA is far from over. We invite you to join Protect Our Care Illinois and Heartland Alliance in protecting and strengthening our health care system.
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