Heartland Human Care Services Update re: COVID-19

Serving the unstably housed, the unemployed, refugees, immigrants, and travelers of all sorts, HHCS must make a wide range of changes to program delivery for so many different populations.

Freedom From Trafficking

Heartland Alliance’s Freedom from Trafficking (FFT) program is centered on the idea that all human beings deserve the freedom to live safe, healthy, and independent lives.

Stories from the Farm

FarmWorks, located in Chicago’s East Garfield Park neighborhood, distributes local produce to those who need it most, and supports people overcoming barriers to employment to secure full-time, permanent, viable jobs.

READI Chicago: Real Promise for a Safer Path Forward

READI Chicago relentlessly engages men who are most at risk of gun violence victimization, providing participants up to 18 months of transitional employment, cognitive behavioral therapy, coaching, and support to provide a new path forward. In Chicago's Austin neighborhood, HHCS coaches and work crew staff provide participants critical supports and access to services to help set them up for optimal and sustained success in work and in life.

Asset Building: Graduating to Success and Building Wealth

Graduates of the Heartland Alliance’s Asset Building program learn new techniques and habits to help them save money and increase their wealth.


Heartland Human Care Services

Ensuring a strong foundation.

At Heartland Human Care Services, we support people as they build on their strengths. We cover basic needs for today, like housing and healthcare, while providing job and financial training for tomorrow.

Because we have seen it, we believe that with support and hope, lives can change.


Learn more about Heartland Human Care Services' programs throughout the Chicago area.
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Hear stories from Heartland Human Care Services program staff and participants.
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Executive Director David Sinski and his team serve almost 50,000 people every year.
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The HHCS Board of Directors is a diverse group of leaders with expertise in finance, law, communications, and other areas.
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If you believe that every life can change,
we’ve got more to share.